Five free articles on setting employee compensation. ChurchLaw&Tax has unlocked five articles for October:
- Paying the Pastor: Three tax considerations all churches should note before setting compensation. (Richard R. Hammer, March 2013)
- Setting Staff Salaries: Churches often fail to count the hidden costs of poor salaries. (Wayne Pohl, January 2014)
- What You Need to Know about Negotiating a Raise: How both employees and their supervisors should approach the conversation. (Christen Gall, September 2017)
- Fringe Benefits for Church Staff: The right package can save you big tax dollars. (Dan Busby, March 2013)
- Minding the Gap: Gender and Compensation in Churches and Ministries: How churches can provide equitable pay for the women and men they employ. (Emily Lund, March 2017)