The Law Meets Gospel Podcast recently explored the Johnson Amendment and the debate about its proposed repeal. This post collects selected resources and opinion pieces on that debate.Here are the LMGPodcast episodes:
News and information pieces
- Tax Prof Blog: collecting articles by the New York Times, Daniel Hemel (Chicago), Roger Colinvaux (Catholic), Ellen Aprill (Loyola-LA), and Andrew Lewis (Cincinnati).
- Most Trump, Clinton Voters Want Johnson Amendment, View article…
- Secular, Religious Nonprofits Petition To Save Johnson Amendment, View article…
- LifeWay Research: “Congress Should End IRS Oversight of Sermons, Say Protestant Pastors“
Opinion and advocacy pieces
- Nonprofit Law Prof Blog: Johnson Amendment: Pros and Cons
Supporting repeal
- February 7, 2017, Repeal the Johnson Amendment to Free Religious Speech by John M. Grondelski
- Churches and the IRS: Why Trump’s Call to Repeal the Johnson Amendment Makes Constitutional Sense,’s-call-repeal-johnson-amendment-makes-constitutional-sense
Opposing repeal (including proposing narrower changes)
- Nonprofit Quarterly: Why the National Association of State Charity Officials Opposes Repeal of the Johnson Amendment
Americans United: “Faith Leaders To Congress: Protect The Johnson Amendment 4,000+ From All 50 States Say Current Law Protects Houses Of Worship” (Aug. 16, 2017)
- Nonprofit Law Blog: “Take Action Today to Protect the Nonprofit, Religious, and Foundation Communities!“
- Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty’s information page
- Letter opposing repeal signed by about 4,500 organizations
- Chronicle of Philanthropy: Doug White, “Mr. Trump, Let’s End the Hypocrisy and Deny Tax Breaks to Churches”
- Washington Post: containing a defense of legislation not to repeal but relax the Johnson amendment from the legislation’s sponsors: James Lankford, Steve Scalise, and Jody Hice.
- Washington Times (editorial): Be Careful What You Wish For.
- Inside Philanthropy: Jon Levine and David Callahan, “The Biggest Loser From Repealing the Johnson Amendment? Philanthropy.