“New bill would let churches access FEMA money” The Washington Examiner covers the legislation here. A summary is part of ChurchLaw&Tax’s weekly news summary.
Author: Josh S. Tatum
“Tax Plan Doubles Standard Deduction, Leaves Charitable Deduction In Place”
“Tax Plan Doubles Standard Deduction, Leaves Charitable Deduction In Place” The NonProfit Times has an overview of President Trump’s tax plan here.
“The Financial Health of Pastors: New study points out key issues as churches seek long-term solutions.”
“The Financial Health of Pastors: New study points out key issues as churches seek long-term solutions.” Lee Dean has an overview of the study and some solutions at ChurchLaw&Tax here.
“Supreme Court may hear California pregnancy center free speech cases”
“Supreme Court may hear California pregnancy center free speech cases” ReligiousLiberty.tv has analysis here.
Free recording of “Webinar on Lobbying, Advocacy & Political Activities for 501(c)(3)s”
Free recording of “Webinar on Lobbying, Advocacy & Political Activities for 501(c)(3)s”
Erin Bradrick has this video giving guidance about what is appropriate for nonprofits that seek to engage politically.
“Why You Should Remove Certain Reports from Your Meeting Agenda: And how to find which ones don’t need to be presented.”
“Why You Should Remove Certain Reports from Your Meeting Agenda: And how to find which ones don’t need to be presented.” Sarah E. Merkle has some great tips on saving time in meetings here on ChurchLaw&Tax.
1739 Website privacy policies
[podcast src=”https://html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/5778727/height/90/width/450/theme/custom/autonext/no/thumbnail/yes/autoplay/no/preload/no/no_addthis/no/direction/forward/render-playlist/no/custom-color/c30000/” height=”90″ width=”450″ placement=”top”]If your religious organization has a website, it should have at least a basic privacy statement informing users what information you collect on the site, who has access to it, what you do with it, and how you protect it.
“Can we monitor employees’ email?”
“Can we monitor employees’ email?” Clergy Financial Resources has this brief answer here. The first paragraph gives the general rule: Continue reading ““Can we monitor employees’ email?””
“Property tax exemption for downtown Madison’s St. Raphael’s in Wisconsin budget draws fire”
“Property tax exemption for downtown Madison’s St. Raphael’s in Wisconsin budget draws fire” The Capital Times of Madison, Wisconsin reports here on a controversy over the property-tax exemption on land on which a Roman Catholic cathedral once stood until it was destroyed by arson. ChurchLaw&Tax includes a summary in its weekly news summary here.
“Masterpiece Cakeshop: Meet the Christian Legal Group Behind the High-Profile Court Case”
“Masterpiece Cakeshop: Meet the Christian Legal Group Behind the High-Profile Court Case” Religion & Politics has a profile of Alliance Defending Freedom here.