The Society of Human Resource Managers describes the recent guidance here.
Author: Josh S. Tatum
D.C. Dist.: RFRA requires allowing church to hold in-person, outdoor worship
D.C. Dist.: RFRA requires allowing church to hold in-person, outdoor worship Wagenmaker Law blog covers a recent decision applying the federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act here.
“When Blessing the Water Is Not Enough”
“When Blessing the Water Is Not Enough” Church Litigation Update summarizes an Ohio case involving a church that faced problems dealing with environmental regulators related to its well water and shares four lessons to learn. Read it here.
FREE “The Church Law & Finance Virtual Conference” Sept. 24
FREE “The Church Law & Finance Virtual Conference” Sept. 24. Whiteford, Taylor & Preston, LLP & Aronson, LLC present a free conference several timely topics. The conference consists of several presentations from 10:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m. E.D.T. Register here.
“7th Circuit: Ministerial Exception Does Not Cover Hostile Work Environment Claims, Absent Tangible Employment Action7th Circuit: Ministerial Exception Does Not Cover Hostile Work Environment Claims, Absent Tangible Employment Action”
“7th Circuit: Ministerial Exception Does Not Cover Hostile Work Environment Claims, Absent Tangible Employment Action.” Religion Clause summarizes the decision here.
Free Webinar on Demand: “PPP Loan Forgiveness Updates: Cutting Through the Confusion”
Free Webinar on Demand: “PPP Loan Forgiveness Updates: Cutting Through the Confusion” The Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability hosted a presentation by C.P.A. Mike Batts on July 22, 2020, which you can access here (free user registration required).
“What do we do if a church employee is diagnosed with COVID-19?”
“What do we do if a church employee is diagnosed with COVID-19?” Clergy Financial Resources has a brief overview and links to helpful resources here.
“Preparing for In-Person Religious Services: Legal Updates and Best Practices”
“Preparing for In-Person Religious Services: Legal Updates and Best Practices” Wagenmaker Law has an overview of several issues related to returning to in-person worship here.
“Preparing for In-Person Religious Services: Legal Updates and Best Practices”
“Preparing for In-Person Religious Services: Legal Updates and Best Practices” Wagenmaker Law has an overview of several issues related to returning to in-person worship here.
“Court declines to lift restrictions on crowds at church services”
“Court declines to lift restrictions on crowds at church services” SCOTUSblog summarizes the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent orders in two cases here.