FREE Webinar: “PPP Loan Forgiveness – Walking Through the Process” On May 19, 2020, at 3:00 p.m. E.D.T., the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability is hosting a 90-minute webinar from C.P.A. Michael Betts. Register here.
Author: Josh S. Tatum
FREE WEBINAR: “Making Sure Your Virtual Church Meeting is Legally Valid”
“Making Sure Your Virtual Church Meeting is Legally Valid: Attorney Sarah E. Merkle offers step-by-step guidance on how to conduct virtual church business meetings in this on-demand webinar.” ChurchLaw&Tax hosted a webinar on May 5, 2020, a recording of which is available here.
FREE ON-DEMAND WEBINAR: “Navigating Critical Legal Issues in the COVID-19 Crisis”
FREE ON-DEMAND WEBINAR: “Navigating Critical Legal Issues in the COVID-19 Crisis” ECFA hosted an excellent webinar covering new and old federal employment protections, federal aid programs, contract implications, and potential insurance coverage related to COVID-19. Access the recording, including presentation slides, with a free registration here.
Continue reading “FREE ON-DEMAND WEBINAR: “Navigating Critical Legal Issues in the COVID-19 Crisis””FAQ Regarding Participation of Faith-Based Organizations in Payroll Protection Program and Economic Injury Disaster Loans
FAQ Regarding Participation of Faith-Based Organizations in Payroll Protection Program and Economic Injury Disaster Loans The U.S. Small Business Administration has answers to frequently asked questions here.
Josh on Theology Thursdays: Church, State, and COVID-19
Josh on Theology Thursdays: Church, State, and COVID-19 Yesterday I had the pleasure of joining Lutheran pastors James Smith (Trinity Episcopal and St. John’s Lutheran in Three Rivers, Michigan) and Chris Laughlin (Messiah Lutheran in Constantine, Michigan) for their “Theology Thursdays,” which they post to their congregations’ Facebook pages while we keep social distance due to COVID-19. We talked about Church and State issues during COVID-19. It was a fun conversation in a difficult time. Go here to watch the hour-long conversation.
Continue reading “Josh on Theology Thursdays: Church, State, and COVID-19”“How Churches Can Apply for the Paycheck Protection Program What leaders should know—now—to prepare their application for funds from the stimulus package.”
“How Churches Can Apply for the Paycheck Protection ProgramWhat leaders should know—now—to prepare their application for funds from the stimulus package.” ChurchLaw&Tax has an overview here. Find the application for the Paycheck Protection Program here. The Treasury Department has a fact sheet here.
- Doing Business Through COVID-19: Can Indiana Nonprofits Hold Membership and Board Meetings Remotely?
- FREE WEBINAR: “Churches and the CARES Act: Helping Congregations and Employees Weather the Cash Crunch”
- FREE RECORDED WEBINAR: The CARES Act—Key Impacts on Churches and Nonprofits (1:00 p.m. E.D.T., March 31, 2020) (requires free registration)
- An Overview of the CARES Act for ChurchesKey highlights from the government’s $2.2 trillion stimulus plan responding to COVID-19. (ChurchLaw&Tax)
- ECFA: How the COVID-19 Economic Stimulus Bill Affects Churches and Nonprofits
- Plews Shadley Racher & Braun LLP COVID-19 resource page
- ChurchLaw&Tax resource page: “Coronavirus and the Church: The Latest News and Advice from Church Law & Tax”
- ChurchLaw&Tax: “Your Church Can Be Reimbursed for Mandated Sick Leave Pay Since churches now must provide leave tied to coronavirus, this benefit may prove valuable.”
- Employee Rights: Paid Sick Leave and Expanded Family and Medical Leave under The Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) (PDF) (U.S. Department of Labor poster)
- Federal Employee Rights: Paid Sick Leave and Expanded Family and Medical Leave under The Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) (PDF) (U.S. Department of Labor poster)
FREE WEBINAR: “Churches and the CARES Act: Helping Congregations and Employees Weather the Cash Crunch”
FREE WEBINAR: “Churches and the CARES Act: Helping Congregations and Employees Weather the Cash Crunch” ChurchLaw&Tax and ChurchWest Insurance Services is hosting a free webinar at noon E.D.T. on April 2, 2020. For more details and to register, go here.
- Doing Business Through COVID-19: Can Indiana Nonprofits Hold Membership and Board Meetings Remotely?
- FREE RECORDED WEBINAR: The CARES Act—Key Impacts on Churches and Nonprofits (1:00 p.m. E.D.T., March 31, 2020) (requires free registration)
- ECFA: How the COVID-19 Economic Stimulus Bill Affects Churches and Nonprofits
- Plews Shadley Racher & Braun LLP COVID-19 resource page
- ChurchLaw&Tax resource page: “Coronavirus and the Church: The Latest News and Advice from Church Law & Tax”
- ChurchLaw&Tax: “Your Church Can Be Reimbursed for Mandated Sick Leave Pay Since churches now must provide leave tied to coronavirus, this benefit may prove valuable.”
Doing Business through COVID-19: Can Indiana Nonprofits Hold Membership and Board Meetings Remotely?
In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, I’ve written a post outlining how to continue doing business with membership meetings and board meetings through electronic means under Indiana law. Read it here. Related to this but with a more national angle (using the Model Nonprofit Corporation Act and Robert’s Rules of Order) are posts about remote board meetings here and action without meetings here, as well as a podcast episode on these issues here.
“Why you should be looking at your insurance if you’re impacted by COVID-19”
COVID-19 is affecting every part of Americans’ lives. Your religious organization might have issues that could trigger insurance coverage. It’s important to review your policies. Plews Shadley Racher & Braun, the law firm at which I practice, has some suggestions here.
“Church Insurance: Determine if your church has the right insurance”
“Church Insurance: Determine if your church has the right insurance” From ChurchLaw&Tax’s series “15 Things Richard Hammar Wants Pastors to Know,” see the post here.