“Supreme Court Grants Cert. In 2 Ministerial Exception Cases” Religion Clause covers the cases
Author: Josh S. Tatum
“Supreme Court Grants Cert. In 2 Ministerial Exception Cases”
“Supreme Court Grants Cert. In 2 Ministerial Exception Cases” Religion Clause covers the cases
“Former priest sues Archdiocese of St. Louis for naming him on list of alleged abusers”
“Former priest sues Archdiocese of St. Louis for naming him on list of alleged abusers” The St. Louis Post- Dispatch covers the litigation
“Becoming a Millionaire on a Pastor’s Salary”
“Becoming a Millionaire on a Pastor’s Salary” Trinity Foundation has a case study of high pastoral compensation and potential developments in the U.S. Senate here.
“Nonprofit Law Jargon Buster: The Role of Secretary”
“Nonprofit Law Jargon Buster: The Role of Secretary” The Charity Lawyer Blog has a quick reminder of the secretary’s important responsibilities
“Chicago suburb seeks to block church’s winter homeless shelter”
“Chicago suburb seeks to block church’s winter homeless shelter.” Religion News Service covers the lawsuit here.
“The Ins and Outs of Conducting Background Checks”
“The Ins and Outs of Conducting Background Checks.” Clergy Fincancial Resources has guidance for doing background checks as part of the hiring process here.
2nd Cir.: Christian Adoption Agency May Continue Ongoing Cases Pending Appeal Despite Nondiscrimination Noncompliance
“Reporting Taxable Perks for Pastors—Q&A”: gym membership
“Reporting Taxable Perks for Pastors—Q&A”: gym membership. Clergy Financial Resources explains that a gym membership is a taxable, reportable perk.
“Dos and Don’ts of Cell Phone Deductions”
“Dos and Don’ts of Cell Phone Deductions” Clergy Financial Resources has a quick overview of how to properly deduct the cost of a cell phone used for work here.