Tatum’s Ten Tips for More Efficient Meetings

We’ve all participated in meetings where the business drags on, or the group spends a disproportionate amount of time on procedures, or the discussion meanders through seemingly endless reports or alternative possible actions without clarity on the concrete action proposed. Some perceive one or more of these as systemic problems with parliamentary procedure. But in fact Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised and other parliamentary guides contain ways to streamline meetings without sacrificing basic principles of minority protections and deliberative procedure. Based on my experience with meetings good and bad, I’ve compiled some tips from both practical and parliamentary sources to get any group on the right track.

  1. Start on time.
  2. Identify the meeting’s goals and each agenda item’s goal ahead of time.
  3. Set time limits for each agenda item.
  4. Have all reports submitted in writing with enough advance time for board members to read them, and have any recommendations for action highlighted in the reports.
  5. Use unanimous consent for uncontroversial questions.
  6. Don’t vote on minutes. Ask for any changes. If there are none, the minutes are adopted by unanimous consent.
  7. When a report contains only information and not any recommendations for action, don’t vote on it.
  8. When a motion comes from a committee, don’t ask for a second. The committee is presumed to include at least two in favor of its consideration. (Also, in small boards—about a dozen or fewer—motions need not be seconded.)
  9. Clearly articulate any desired action, typically in the form of a motion, to focus discussion. Don’t wait until the end of discussion to make a motion.
  10. If you’ve finished all business contained in the agenda, don’t vote to adjourn. After giving everyone an opportunity to present additional business, just adjourn.

These tips apply from the smallest boards of three to large assemblies. But the degree to which they become flexible varies based on size, so the person presiding should intentionally strike a balance and communicate that approach to the group.

Ten Tips for More Efficient Meetings (LMG Podcast)

Read more: Ten Tips for More Efficient Meetings (LMG Podcast)
  1. Start on time.
  2. Identify the meeting’s goals and each agenda item’s goal ahead of time.
  3. Set time limits for each agenda item.
  4. Have all reports submitted in writing with enough advance time for board members to read them, and have any recommendations for action highlighted in the reports.
  5. Use unanimous consent for uncontroversial questions.
  6. Don’t vote on minutes. Ask for any changes. If there are none, the minutes are adopted by unanimous consent.
  7. When a report contains only information and not any recommendations for action, don’t vote on it.
  8. When a motion comes from a committee, don’t ask for a second. The committee is presumed to include at least two in favor of its consideration. (Also, in small boards—about a dozen or fewer—motions need not be seconded.)
  9. Clearly articulate any desired action, typically in the form of a motion, to focus discussion. Don’t wait until the end of discussion to make a motion.
  10. If you’ve finished all business contained in the agenda, don’t vote to adjourn. After giving everyone an opportunity to present additional business, just adjourn.

Check out this episode!

“Bylaws: Indemnification”

“Bylaws: Indemnification” Every set of church and related ministry bylaws should address whether, to what extent, and under what conditions the legal and related costs of board members, employees, and other agents will be covered. Gene Takagi at Nonprofit Law Blog has a good overview here. Takagi’s piece includes a list and brief description of related types of insurance. It also mentions a couple specific items related to California law as well as a relevant section of a California statute that may not apply to your organization. Make sure to consult a legal professional in your jurisdiction.

1746 Building a Culture of Accountability

[podcast src=”https://html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/5968145/height/90/theme/custom/autoplay/no/autonext/no/thumbnail/yes/preload/no/no_addthis/no/direction/forward/render-playlist/no/custom-color/c30000/” height=”90″ width=”100%” placement=”top” theme=”custom”]When organizations lack accountability mechanisms, they can become stagnant. When someone suggests implementing some accountability or asks specific questions about current practices, the person responsible for that aspect of the faith community’s life often takes it as a personal attack. But when a community values accountability as a necessary part of good stewardship, moments of accountability can serve to improve the organization’s mission. Developing a culture of accountability takes time, but the process can be served by bringing in an outsider without personal connections to share what best practices look like. The three areas to focus on first in developing this culture are finances, child protection, and employee evaluation.

Continue reading “1746 Building a Culture of Accountability”