1737 Child Online Privacy Protection Act

[podcast src=”https://html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/5732543/height/90/width/450/theme/custom/autonext/no/thumbnail/yes/autoplay/no/preload/no/no_addthis/no/direction/forward/render-playlist/no/custom-color/c30000/” height=”90″ width=”450″ placement=”top”]Religious organizations and other nonprofits are not subject to the rules under the Child Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), but COPPA’s rules provide a good example of how to deal with information collected from children under 13. It requires verifiable parent consent, online privacy statements, and options for parents to control how providers use their children’s information. Since it sets the standard in the United States for protecting children online, Josh encourages religious organizations to follow its rules even when they aren’t required to do so.

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“No Red Flags is a Big Red Flag” in background checks. Instead, expect 8–10 reports for every 100 background checks.

“No Red Flags is a Big Red Flag” in background checks. Instead, expect 8–10 reports for every 100 background checks.  Mike McCarty, C.E.O. of Safe Hiring Solutions has a column in Inside Indiana Business here.  Here’s an important insight:

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Ill. “Governor Signs Bill Co-Sponsored by Olsen that Removes Statute of Limitations for Prosecution of Felony Sex Crimes Against Children”

Ill. “Governor Signs Bill Co-Sponsored by Olsen that Removes Statute of Limitations for Prosecution of Felony Sex Crimes Against Children.” The Chicago Tribune reports here. NBC Chicago reports here. ChurchLaw&Tax includes a summary in its weekly headlines here.

Att’y Interview: “Protecting Your Church in Case of Allegations of Abuse”

Att’y Interview: “Protecting Your Church in Case of Allegations of Abuse”
ChurchLaw&Tax has an interview with Texas attorney Richard J. Matthews, who advised the Boy Scouts of America during its child sexual-abuse crisis, by Bobby Ross Jr. here.
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