E.D. Pa.: Company may condemn and take property of Catholic order to build pipeline

E.D. Pa.: Company may condemn and take property of Catholic order to build pipeline. Religion Clause reports here on the decision in Transcontinental Gas Pipeline Co., LLC v. Permanent Easement for 2.14 Acres(E.D. Pa Aug. 23, 2017), as it relates to Adorers. Page 21 of the decision includes this analysis and conclusion:

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1721 What is a Blaine Amendment?

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James G. Blaine in the 1870s

The U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments in Trinity Lutheran Church v. Comer on April 19, 2017. The church is challenging Missouri’s exclusion of religious groups from the state’s grant program for playground surfaces, which is based on the state’s constitution. The relevant amendment is one of many often referred to as “Blaine Amendments.” Josh interviews Dave Roland, the Director of Litigation and cofounder of the Freedom Center of Missouri about the history behind these amendments and their ramifications for modern American law. Continue reading “1721 What is a Blaine Amendment?”