“Guide to Minister’s Compensation” Clergy Financial Resources has an explanation and breakdown of the categories of ministers’ compensation here.
Category: compensation
“Sample Housing Allowance for 2018 (for ministers who own or rent their home)”
“Sample Housing Allowance for 2018 (for ministers who own or rent their home)” ChurchLaw&Tax has this helpful example resolution.
“Helping Boards Set Pastoral Compensation What church leaders should know about paying pastors.”
“Helping Boards Set Pastoral Compensation: What church leaders should know about paying pastors.” ChurchLaw&Tax has this article.
“Lexington church members take pastor, wife to court over spending, salaries”
“Lexington church members take pastor, wife to court over spending, salaries,” The Lexington Herald-Leader reports here.
“Paying Your Pastor: Tips and insights for setting compensation”
“Paying Your Pastor: Tips and insights for setting compensation” ManagingYourChurch has this interview with CPA Stan Reiff by Bob Smietana.
“Housing/Parsonage Pros and Cons”
“Housing/Parsonage Pros and Cons” Clergy Financial Resources has a brief comparison here.
“How to Claim Housing During Interim Ministry?”
“How to Claim Housing During Interim Ministry?” Clergy Financial Resources has guidance here.
Free webinar Nov. 8 @ noon E.S.T.: “Key Year-End Financial and Tax Tasks for Church Leaders”
Free webinar Nov. 8 @ noon E.S.T.: “Key Year-End Financial and Tax Tasks for Church Leaders” hosted by ChurchLaw&Tax. Sign up here. Here’s the list of topics: Continue reading “Free webinar Nov. 8 @ noon E.S.T.: “Key Year-End Financial and Tax Tasks for Church Leaders””
Five free articles on setting employee compensation
Five free articles on setting employee compensation. ChurchLaw&Tax has unlocked five articles for October: Continue reading “Five free articles on setting employee compensation”