FREE WEBINAR: “Fraud in the Church: What we learned from 700 church leaders” On Wednesday, October 27 at noon E.D.T., ChurchLaw&Tax will host a free webinar discussing a recent survey related to fraud in the church and share best practices to reduce vulnerability to fraud. Register here.
Category: fiduciary responsibilities
“Bylaws: Indemnification”
“Bylaws: Indemnification” Every set of church and related ministry bylaws should address whether, to what extent, and under what conditions the legal and related costs of board members, employees, and other agents will be covered. Gene Takagi at Nonprofit Law Blog has a good overview here. Takagi’s piece includes a list and brief description of related types of insurance. It also mentions a couple specific items related to California law as well as a relevant section of a California statute that may not apply to your organization. Make sure to consult a legal professional in your jurisdiction.
“Board Assessments with Sample Management Questions”
“Board Assessments with Sample Management Questions” Blue Avocado has some insights and example questions for evaluating your board’s performance here.
FREE WEBINAR: Top Legal Considerations for a Post-Pandemic Church
FREE WEBINAR: Top Legal Considerations for a Post-Pandemic Church. On May 20 at 1:00 p.m. E.D.T., the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability will host a free webinar featuring Erika E. Cole, who will discuss legal issues church leaders should consider in the coming months. The issues include commercial property, mergers, employment, and more. Click here to register and learn more.
“Preparing for In-Person Religious Services: Legal Updates and Best Practices”
“Preparing for In-Person Religious Services: Legal Updates and Best Practices” Wagenmaker Law has an overview of several issues related to returning to in-person worship here.
“Preparing for In-Person Religious Services: Legal Updates and Best Practices”
“Preparing for In-Person Religious Services: Legal Updates and Best Practices” Wagenmaker Law has an overview of several issues related to returning to in-person worship here.
Doing Business through COVID-19: Can Indiana Nonprofits Hold Membership and Board Meetings Remotely?
In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, I’ve written a post outlining how to continue doing business with membership meetings and board meetings through electronic means under Indiana law. Read it here. Related to this but with a more national angle (using the Model Nonprofit Corporation Act and Robert’s Rules of Order) are posts about remote board meetings here and action without meetings here, as well as a podcast episode on these issues here.
“Church Insurance: Determine if your church has the right insurance”
“Church Insurance: Determine if your church has the right insurance” From ChurchLaw&Tax’s series “15 Things Richard Hammar Wants Pastors to Know,” see the post here.
“Becoming a Millionaire on a Pastor’s Salary”
“Nonprofit Law Jargon Buster: The Role of Secretary”