“The Ins and Outs of Conducting Background Checks.” Clergy Fincancial Resources has guidance for doing background checks as part of the hiring process here.
Category: fiduciary responsibilities
“The Sale of Charitable Assets to a For-Profit – Nonprofit Law Blog”
“The Sale of Charitable Assets to a For-Profit – Nonprofit Law Blog.” The Nonprofit Law Blog has some tips
“Are Churches Legally Required to Issue Statements for Every Contribution?”
“Are Churches Legally Required to Issue Statements for Every Contribution?” ManagingYourChurch answers a question asking whether churches must issue receipts for gifts of as little as $10 here.
“Safeguard against Church Embezzlement”
“Safeguard against Church Embezzlement” Clergy Financial Resources has ten basic safeguards to prevent embezzlement here.
1746 Building a Culture of Accountability
[podcast src=”https://html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/5968145/height/90/theme/custom/autoplay/no/autonext/no/thumbnail/yes/preload/no/no_addthis/no/direction/forward/render-playlist/no/custom-color/c30000/” height=”90″ width=”100%” placement=”top” theme=”custom”]When organizations lack accountability mechanisms, they can become stagnant. When someone suggests implementing some accountability or asks specific questions about current practices, the person responsible for that aspect of the faith community’s life often takes it as a personal attack. But when a community values accountability as a necessary part of good stewardship, moments of accountability can serve to improve the organization’s mission. Developing a culture of accountability takes time, but the process can be served by bringing in an outsider without personal connections to share what best practices look like. The three areas to focus on first in developing this culture are finances, child protection, and employee evaluation.
Continue reading “1746 Building a Culture of Accountability”
“Directors’ and Officers’ Duty of Care – Pay Attention and Take Responsibility!”
“Directors’ and Officers’ Duty of Care – Pay Attention and Take Responsibility!” The Wagenmaker & Oberly blog has this post, part one of a three-part series on fiduciary responsibilities.
“Wearing the Right “Hat”: the Duty of Loyalty”
“Wearing the Right “Hat”: the Duty of Loyalty” This post appeared on the Wagenmaker & Oberly blog.