“Bylaws: Indemnification” Every set of church and related ministry bylaws should address whether, to what extent, and under what conditions the legal and related costs of board members, employees, and other agents will be covered. Gene Takagi at Nonprofit Law Blog has a good overview here. Takagi’s piece includes a list and brief description of related types of insurance. It also mentions a couple specific items related to California law as well as a relevant section of a California statute that may not apply to your organization. Make sure to consult a legal professional in your jurisdiction.
Category: insurance
“Preparing for In-Person Religious Services: Legal Updates and Best Practices”
“Preparing for In-Person Religious Services: Legal Updates and Best Practices” Wagenmaker Law has an overview of several issues related to returning to in-person worship here.
“Preparing for In-Person Religious Services: Legal Updates and Best Practices”
“Preparing for In-Person Religious Services: Legal Updates and Best Practices” Wagenmaker Law has an overview of several issues related to returning to in-person worship here.
FREE ON-DEMAND WEBINAR: “Navigating Critical Legal Issues in the COVID-19 Crisis”
FREE ON-DEMAND WEBINAR: “Navigating Critical Legal Issues in the COVID-19 Crisis” ECFA hosted an excellent webinar covering new and old federal employment protections, federal aid programs, contract implications, and potential insurance coverage related to COVID-19. Access the recording, including presentation slides, with a free registration here.
Continue reading “FREE ON-DEMAND WEBINAR: “Navigating Critical Legal Issues in the COVID-19 Crisis””“Why you should be looking at your insurance if you’re impacted by COVID-19”
COVID-19 is affecting every part of Americans’ lives. Your religious organization might have issues that could trigger insurance coverage. It’s important to review your policies. Plews Shadley Racher & Braun, the law firm at which I practice, has some suggestions here.
“Church Insurance: Determine if your church has the right insurance”
“Church Insurance: Determine if your church has the right insurance” From ChurchLaw&Tax’s series “15 Things Richard Hammar Wants Pastors to Know,” see the post here.
“One goal of Methodists’ plan to split the church over same-sex marriage and clergy: Avoid lawsuits”
“Abuse and Embezzlement—Why Churches Continue to Struggle with Both”
“The Top 5 Reasons Churches Went to Court in 2018: Child sexual abuse is again the most common reason.”
“The Top 5 Reasons Churches Went to Court in 2018: Child sexual abuse is again the most common reason.” ChurchLaw&Tax has an infographic showing the top five reasons in 2014–18 here.
“IRS Official: Expect More Church Audits Regarding ACA Compliance”
“IRS Official: Expect More Church Audits Regarding ACA Compliance: Many churches won’t be investigated, but here’s why your church should still verify it is compliant.” For a limited time, this article by Frank Sommerville is free on ChurchLaw&Tax here.