1733 Practical effect of Trinity Lutheran

[podcast src=”https://html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/5644303/height/90/width/450/theme/custom/autonext/no/thumbnail/yes/autoplay/no/preload/no/no_addthis/no/direction/forward/render-playlist/no/custom-color/c30000/” height=”90″ width=”450″]The conclusion of Josh’s discussion with Dave Roland, the Director of Litigation and cofounder of the Freedom Center of Missouri about the recent U.S. Supreme Court decision Trinity Lutheran Church v. Comer. Continue reading “1733 Practical effect of Trinity Lutheran”

1732 Cases remanded after Trinity Lutheran

[podcast src=”https://html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/5619167/height/90/width/450/theme/custom/autonext/no/thumbnail/yes/autoplay/no/preload/no/no_addthis/no/direction/forward/render-playlist/no/custom-color/c30000/” height=”90″ width=”450″]The third part of Josh’s discussion with Dave Roland, the Director of Litigation and cofounder of the Freedom Center of Missouri about the recent U.S. Supreme Court decision Trinity Lutheran Church v. Comer. Dave and Josh talk about two cases remanded by the Supreme Court. One involves a voucher program in Colorado. The other involves a textbook-renting program in New Mexico.

Dave Roland, Executive Director and cofounder of the Freedom Center of Missouri

Continue reading “1732 Cases remanded after Trinity Lutheran”