Free webinar Nov. 8 @ noon E.S.T.: “Key Year-End Financial and Tax Tasks for Church Leaders” hosted by ChurchLaw&Tax. Sign up here. Here’s the list of topics: Continue reading “Free webinar Nov. 8 @ noon E.S.T.: “Key Year-End Financial and Tax Tasks for Church Leaders””
“2nd Circuit: Religious Court Lacks Standing To Challenge Stay of Its Proceedings”
“2nd Circuit: Religious Court Lacks Standing To Challenge Stay of Its Proceedings” Religion Clause reports here on Bais Din of Mechon L’Hoyroa v. Congregation Birchos Yosef, (2d Cir., Nov. 1, 2017).
“Handy Tips for Keeping Discussion under Control”
“Handy Tips for Keeping Discussion under Control” The Law of Order has some excellent guidance for meetings here.
“4 Ways to Screw Up a Vote”
“4 Ways to Screw Up a Vote” Sarah E. Merkle has this post on The Law of Order. The four ways are (1) show favoritism, (2) ask for abstentions, (3) keep the precise topic of the vote a mystery, and (4) say the words, “same sign,” or “nay.”
“Making a Motion: Infographic: What making a main motion looks like during a meeting.”
“Making a Motion: Infographic: What making a main motion looks like during a meeting.” ManagingYourChurch posted this infographic by Sarah E. Merkle.
“New Contraceptive Coverage Rules Challenged As Notre Dame Plans To End Coverage”
“New Contraceptive Coverage Rules Challenged As Notre Dame Plans To End Coverage” Religion Clause reports here on Shiraef v. Hargan (N.D. Ind., filed 10/31/2017).
“Notre Dame to end no-cost contraceptive coverage for employees”
“Notre Dame to end no-cost contraceptive coverage for employees” The South Bend Tribune reports here.
“Mississippi Suit On Gay Marriage Recusals Is Reopened”
“Mississippi Suit On Gay Marriage Recusals Is Reopened” Religion Clause reports here on Campaign for Southern Equality v. Bryant, (S.D. Miss. Oct. 27, 2017). AP reports here.
1744 Reformation 500!
[podcast src=”” height=”90″ width=”450″ placement=”top”]October 31, 2017, marks the five hundredth anniversary of Martin Luther’s ninety-five theses, which sparked the Reformation. The ripples of the Reformation still can be seen in the Church and society. Law Meets Gospel marks the occasion with Josh explaining the inspiration for several aspects of the podcast. Law Meets Gospel is inspired by Luther’s teaching about Law and Gospel within Christian scriptures. Josh’s sign-off, “As you work to meet the worlds need, be wise, be bold, and be joyful.” is inspired by two quotes. First, Frederick Buechner’s writing, “The place God calls you is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.” Second, Luther’s advice in a letter to Philip Melanchthon, “Be a sinner and sin boldly, but believe and rejoice in Christ even more boldly.”
“New Mexico judge orders release of clergy sex abuse records”
“New Mexico judge orders release of clergy sex abuse records” Associated Press reports on the decison here.