Wis. church’s accounting clerk convicted of stealing $800,000 for gambling

Wis. church’s accounting clerk convicted of stealing $800,000 for gambling. The LaCrosse Tribune reports in a story: Former Onalaska church clerk steals more than $800,000 to fuel gambling habit.” Wisconsin Law Journal reports: “Guilty pleas in church theft of $800,000.” ChurchLaw&Tax includes the story in its weekly news update.

“Why Domestic Violence in the Home Endangers Your Church”

“Why Domestic Violence in the Home Endangers Your Church: Step one: acknowledge that it happens.” ChurchLaw&Tax has excellent analysis and guidance here. Action step: Does your congregation have a plan to respond when someone comes for help from domestic violence? A few important excerpts: Continue reading ““Why Domestic Violence in the Home Endangers Your Church””

1735 Authority to enter contracts

[podcast src=”https://html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/5686206/height/90/width/450/theme/custom/autonext/no/thumbnail/yes/autoplay/no/preload/no/no_addthis/no/direction/forward/render-playlist/no/custom-color/c30000/” height=”90″ width=”450″]How do you know whether a representative has the authority to enter into an agreement on behalf of an organization? In short, the governing documents and resolutions of the board of directors can authorize a representative. But many organizations are not careful with following these formalities. Josh discusses what can go wrong when they don’t, using the case discussed in this post as an example.

Continue reading “1735 Authority to enter contracts”

“Five Common Copyright Mistakes And How To Avoid Them”

“Five Common Copyright Mistakes And How To Avoid Them” Christian Copyright Solutions has guidance here. It suggests the following: evaluate activities, allow time for clearances, maximize blanket licenses, P.L.A.N., and know the religious service exemption. P.L.A.N. stands for prepare, learn, allow, and never: The main mistakes are as follows:

Continue reading ““Five Common Copyright Mistakes And How To Avoid Them””