Seventh Circuit holds challengers to parsonage exemption lack standing

The Seventh Circuit unanimously rejected a challenge to the parsonage exemption brought by the Freedom From Religion Foundation, concluding that the Wisconsin-based, nontheistic group lacked the legal ability to challenge the statutory exception granted to “minister[s] of the gospel.” Because the Seventh Circuit concluded the plaintiffs did not have standing, it did not reach the question of whether the parsonage exemption runs afoul of the First Amendment. The opinion reverses a decision of the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin that held the provision unconstitutional as violating the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment. (You can listen to the very interesting oral argument here.*)

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What Hobby Lobby Says and What That Means for Religious Organizations

File:Hobby Lobby, Trexlertown.JPG
© Wikimedia Commons user CyberXRef

Today the United States Supreme Court held on a 5–4 vote that the Religious Freedom
Restoration Act (RFRA) prohibits the federal government from forcing a closely
held corporation to provide contraception to which the company’s owners object
based on their sincerely held religious beliefs. This will likely mean that the Obama administration will extend the accommodations made to religious nonprofits under the Affordable Care Act (A.C.A.) will also apply to closely held corporations that have religious objections to some or all types of contraception. While the decision did not involve religious organizations, they can take this decision as providing more room to use nontraditional structures for purposes churches don’t typically pursue. Continue reading “What Hobby Lobby Says and What That Means for Religious Organizations”

Sotomayor Rings in New Year with Obamacare Stay: What Religious Groups Should Know

Justice Sonia Sotomayor made sure she was part of the number one story to start off
2014. In case anyone doubted leading New York City’s countdown to 2014 in Times
Square would put Sotomayor on the front page, a few hours before midnight she
temporarily blocked the federal government from requiring certain religiously
affiliated organizations to provide insurance coverage that includes birth
control. Continue reading “Sotomayor Rings in New Year with Obamacare Stay: What Religious Groups Should Know”