Who should adopt minutes for an annual members’ meeting?

When a religious organization holds large annual meetings, the method of approving the minutes can vary depending on the organization’s governing documents. But where those documents don’t address the question, the answer can be a little difficult to find. The best answer is to delegate the authority to adopt minutes to a committee to avoid a long interim without an adopted record of actions taken. The next annual meeting can revise if necessary. Continue reading “Who should adopt minutes for an annual members’ meeting?”

Don’t vote on minutes—It’s a waste of time!

Every religious organization I’ve ever been a part of has meetings. And inevitably there are minutes for those meetings. And for some reason we feel like we should vote on them, which means we ask for a motion, and a second, and then the vote. It turns out that this not only feels like a waste of time, it is a waste of time. Continue reading “Don’t vote on minutes—It’s a waste of time!”